Thursday 3 March 2011



My first day of my big Australian adventure!

I still can’t believe this is really happening – since I started planning it, time has gone so quickly. There’s always so much to think about. It’s not like I can pop home for the weekend when I feel like it!

We met Lauren and Des for lunch at the Helsby Arms on the way to the airport, which was nice to see them again before I go. Lauren gave me a lovely bracelet.

We got to Manchester airport about 4.30pm and checked in pretty quickly – the wonders of checking in online! Had a quick cup of tea with the parents before the dreaded goodbyes. There were tears, which I wanted to avoid! Mum’s fault for starting them! I made my way towards security and had no problems getting through, helped calm my nerves!

Had a look around the airport before edging my way towards the gate. I met a lady in the waiting lounge. She was visiting her daughter for five weeks. It so happened she was sat near me on the aeroplane but as there were a lot of empty seats, I moved to the row in front of her so we had a spare seat next to us – made for a more comfortable journey!

I attempted to watch ‘Grown Ups’ but couldn’t get into it. I fell asleep during ‘Despicable Me’, an episode of ‘The IT Crowd’ and ‘The Mighty Boosh’! Every time I went to turn it off to sleep I’d be awake.


After little sleep we were soon descending into Abu Dhabi after six hours in the air, where I make my connection to Sydney. We arrived there at 6.25am, which would be 2.25am UK time.
I refreshed myself then waited to board the next flight. Luckily I was still with Jane so I had company.
This plane was the slightest bit smaller than the previous aircraft and I wasn’t sat with Jane this time, but I still had an empty seat next to me. This time I watched ‘The Other Guys’, after a lovely lunch with a hot chocolate!

After a little sleep, I felt like watching something light hearted so I chose ‘Hannah Montana’! It wasn’t too bad. Followed by ‘Aristocats’ and ‘Toy Story 3’. By then it was time to descend for Sydney – eek!

29.11.10 (Happy birthday Aunty Nade!)

We landed at 7.10am and I met Jane again and we went through customs easily with no problems, and then exchanged numbers to keep in touch. I left her and headed to the pick up point to meet Megan and Norman. Took a little while as the airport has changed since they came last so they weren’t entirely sure where I was, but fortunately Megan found me in the end!

Drove through the city of Sydney and saw a glimpse of the Harbour Bridge and Opera House on the way out of the tunnel. It was raining so they were a little misty. That was my first hit that I was actually in Australia!
We drove towards Gosford and into a town called Terragol. There’s a beautiful beach here and some amazing views up the hills. I took a few photos then went into a restaurant called ‘Odna’. I tried fried squid for the first time for my entrée, then Atlantic salmon with sweet potato puree for my main. I thought I’d enjoy a glass of Shiraz that came with my meal! It was a lovely first meal.

Then we headed to their home in Cessnock. I started to get tired then but fought falling asleep the best I could so I only snoozed. Arriving in Cessnock, it was just how I imagined but more beautiful. The houses are huge and typically Australian. Megan and Norman’s house is stunning, very spacious with amazing views and a swimming pool! I have my own bathroom to use that is handy and a lovely bedroom. I kept dropping off after tea (boiled eggs, can’t go wrong!) so I had a shower then headed to bed around 8pm.

30.11.10 (Happy birthday Cheryl!)

We went to see Pokolbin in the Hunter Valley vineyards today. The weather was grim but very warm. The buildings were lovely and surrounding areas are nothing like I have seen before. We’re coming back here on Saturday 4th December for a family picnic.

In the evening we went to a local steakhouse for one of their friends’, Ken, 85th birthday. I can’t manage steak just yet so I chose char grilled chicken – not many vegetarian options, but then it is a steakhouse! Massive plate sizes so I regretted munching some bread beforehand. Met some lovely people. David – a scuba diver and his partner Michele. A girl around my age called Ellen who has travelled everywhere! It’d be nice to see them again but there’s already so much planned during my stay in Cessnock. Early night once more!

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