Thursday 3 March 2011



First day of December!

The car was taken in for recall for something, so while we were waiting we went to a shopping centre, Charlestown Sq, just outside Newcastle. Lovely shops, they are a lot more expensive to those at home but also quite similar. We went to pick up the car then drove to the Crowne Plaza of Newcastle for lunch. I had squid once again and seafood linguini. We headed towards some of the beaches after this but just had a look. They were stunning! I wanted to go in the sea but unfortunately not able to as we didn’t stay long enough. 

There were lots of beautiful views and lovely houses. It looks like an amazing place to live.
We drove by the lake (Lake Macquarie) where Belle’s house went onto, but not the part where her house is.
Stopped off at the shopping centre in Cessnock to get a few things. I needed some cheap flip-flops and quick drying underwear! 

We had bread with white Costello cheese and another early night for me. Getting tired and I’m missing home a bit at the moment. Not sure if it’s because I know I’m away for so long or maybe because I haven’t had time with people around my age. It’s also a struggle to keep in touch with everyone at home as I haven’t been able to connect my laptop to Megan and Norman’s internet and I don’t like to ask to go on his computer all the time, then staying on it for ages! I’m sure this will improve though and I hope to use Skype soon.


I looked into booking my flight from Brisbane to Sydney on the 4th January. I booked with Jetstar, which cost $104 that is about £70! I took insurance out (as you never know) so definitely a good bargain! Managed to catch up briefly on Facebook and my emails. I also saw a King Parrot today; apparently they’re quite rare to see! Have seen a handful of Galahs (pink breasted Cockatoos) this week too.


My birthday! Megan and Norman gave me a little something from Australia, called Zebra rock. It is certainly a nice little souvenir. We headed to a town called Morisset today; they took me to an area to see some wild kangaroos, which I have been looking forward to seeing! We parked up on the side and I stepped out to take some photos. I caught the attention of one kangaroo that decided to hop towards me, so I jumped back into the car – you just don’t know what they’ll do! He sat by the window though and just peered at me for a while before heading around the back of the car to peer at me again. Very cute! Then we went to Belle’s house. It is in such a peaceful, beautiful area on the lake. I felt quite sad being there as she sadly passed away a few months ago – at the good age of 97 years though!

After this we went to a traditional Aussie pub for lunch in Morisset, which is next to a small shopping centre. I had garlic brandy cream prawns that were lovely, and a glass of pink champagne! I doubt I will be eating this well as soon as I leave the family! I posted some things home then we headed back to Cessnock.
Pat and Ken, who I met at the steakhouse, called round in the early evening and had bought me a little Kookaburra charm. Very kind of them as I had only met them once! I’m finding Australians are very accommodating, I don’t think you find this much back at home. Phoned the parents and Taid, and Nana had phoned Megan and Norman just as I was finishing talking to Taid.


Today is the family picnic in the Hunter Valley vineyards. We weren’t sure whether we were going to cancel it because it had been raining at the start of the week; the past couple of days have been very humid so we were due a storm. It was drizzling in the morning and no one phoned to say they weren’t coming, so at the moment it was looking good.

Fortunately it was very light on the way to Hunter Valley and stopped when we got there and got a table under cover! It was turning into a lovely day actually and the sun was shining all afternoon. I was only in it very quickly and caught the sun on my nose – I didn’t have any sun cream with me so couldn’t stay in it for long! I met only about half the family and there was a lot there. I’m going to have to get the names on photos, as I won’t remember! Some of which are Megan’s niece, Robyn and her husband Barry, their daughter Alison and her husband Peter, who were so nice. Alison and Peter have invited me to stay with them next weekend, which will be absolutely lovely. They live close to the beach and a lake – finally can get into some Aussie waters! Peter has a little bit of Aboriginal blood in him that I find so cool.

After a good few hours, people started to head home and all that were left was me, Megan, Norman, their son Marcus and his wife Alison and their nine year old son, Hugo. We decided to play Aqua-golf before heading our separate ways. I was terrible; it was much harder than it looked! Alison and Hugo were really good.

I had a really great time meeting some fantastic people and very glad the weather was lovely all day.
Got home, had a little bit of tea and watched some television. I really enjoyed an Aussie drama/soap called ‘Bed of Roses’ so hopefully I’ll find it online when I get back to the UK! Not long went to bed after this as I am still suffering with tiredness!


First time I’ve put sun cream on today! Very summery, sunny day. We decided to go to Nelson Bay today. I watched the houses go by along the way, changing from being right next door to each other to so much space between them. These had horses in their land. Reminded me how much I miss horse riding and decided I will look for somewhere to go during my travels – surely there’s riding schools all over the place!

Nelson Bay is beautiful. Very much surfer orientated – as you expect at an Aussie beach, still getting used to seeing surfers everywhere! Hopefully I’ll bag me one of those, haha! They were reasonably quiet though this will change nearing Christmas! Still lacking the Aussie sea on my skin and feel very teased being shown these lovely beaches but I shall be on them soon enough… hopefully next weekend.

Had a lovely lunch of Barramundi fish with chips overlooking the harbour. Popped by Salamander Bay before heading home. Neighbours on TV tonight, wheey!


I had a great weekend in Belmont with Alison and Pete. We went to Cave’s Beach (my favourite so far), went with Pete and their next-door neighbour, Dave, to go four-wheel driving along Blacksmiths beach and chilled out at a beach on Lake Macquarie. Alison’s father, Barry, has been in hospital though so that was rubbish. Alison and Pete also have a beautiful Staffie called Maya. Gave me a good excuse to go out walking with her, which was nice along Lake Macquarie, which is only minutes from their house. We went for a night out to the Gunyah on Saturday night, their friends Catrina, Simon and Tina joined us too. Had to head back to Cessnock on the Wednesday as I was leaving for Queensland with Megan and Norman the next day. Long journey!


We left Cessnock at 9am. We stopped off at a place called Tamworth for lunch. This place is big on Western Country music and has a festival every year. Bought some souvenirs and started back on the road towards Tenterfield, where we are spending the night. I had a room all to myself and got to admire a big storm happening outside! Was great to have my own space.


Left Tenterfield at the early hour of 8am to aim to arrive in Queensland relatively early. That failed, as we weren’t able to take the route as normal due to the bad weather and bad traffic. Finally arrived at 1pm (Queensland time, they’re an hour behind as they don’t use daylight saving), so we were in time for some much needed lunch. Met their next-door neighbours for a meal that night. Will definitely miss being cooked for, haha!


My first full day at their unit in Scarborough (Queensland, not UK!) and their daughter, Fiona, was coming over with her sons, Tristan (14) and Hamish (12) for lunch. Fiona invited me to stay over for the night so it will be easier for me to go to Australia Zoo, which is likely to happen on Monday so will stay there tomorrow.

Fiona picked me up around 10.30am, and then went to the shopping centre for some quick shopping. She insisted on getting me a Christmas present, so I chose a blue dress with a swallow design. I bought myself a $10 top for the beach too – bargain! Both from an awesome shop called Cotton On. Went to their house and chilled for the rest of the afternoon.


Australia Zoo! Also commonly known as the ‘Steve Irwin Zoo’. The forecast was looking good so it was definitely the best time to go. It was pretty straight forward, I was a bit nervous as first as it was the first time I went to the zoo alone and in a place I’ve never been before. I just needed to get off at Beerwah station and a courtesy bus would pick me up.

I arrived about 9.30am so wandered around looking at some animals before the Wildlife Warriors show started at 11am. That was excellent and after this I headed along the Koala Walk and Roo Heaven. Saw pretty much everything, I was especially excited to see a Tasmanian devil as I’ve waited so long to see one. Not only that but there were also seven month old baby ones too, so cute! I never realised how big a kookaburra was either so that was cool seeing those. The highlight of the day was of course holding a koala and having a photo taken with it! Found some more souvenirs to buy then I was all bought out.
Met some girls on the way home – Irish, Scottish and English – all the Brits! Was nice to be able to chat to British people. Had such a brilliant day!


I ended up being invited to stay some more nights at Fiona’s and as we had no plans, I went with Hamish to see Harry Potter at the cinema. Lovely weather all day again!


Today Fiona, Graeme, Tristan, Hamish and myself all went to the beach to go on the jet ski and have a go at wakeboarding, knee boarding and jet skiing. So much fun but fell off a lot! Couldn’t believe how warm the water was to get into straight away. It was still pretty cold in Belmont! Watched movies for the rest of the day as we were all pretty tired.


Christmas Eve already! Doesn’t feel like Christmas at all for me. We watched the Condemned before leaving to go to Graeme’s sister, Kathy’s house for a meal. Had a great time there, they’re a lovely family – Kathy’s husband Dave, their children Cam (11), Siobhan (19), Lyndal (24) and Lyndal’s children Max (18 months) and Charlie (Charlotte, 4) – tall kids for their age! I taught Charlie how to play noughts and crosses, except we used triangles and circles on an Etcha-Sketcha!
Before we left, Dave, Cam, Hamish, Tristan and I went out to ‘get rid’ of the dozens of cane toads in the garden. Cane toads are a common pest in Queensland, so you have to get rid of them. Good day there too.


Well I didn’t wake up feeling Christmassy! Probably a good thing else I’d probably think of home too much. I still had a nice day at Fiona’s. Megan and Norman came over for dinner about 11am, Graeme was in work so were minus one.

I spoke to Taid, Cheryl, Mum and Dad so that was nice. Lauren and I text each other. It’s made me appreciate Christmas with my family more, not that I ever didn’t! The weather looked like it was turning for the worse – lots of rain on the way!


I stayed at Fiona’s again last night (as I went back with Megan and Norman on Christmas day) so I could catch the train early into Brisbane. My plan was to explore South Bank and walk along there into the city, over the Goodwill Bridge.

As I arrived at 9am, the gallery was closed so decided to skip that for now and walk along the river towards Goodwill Bridge. Had a look at the manmade beach (not as impressive as I thought it would be) then stopped by the Maritime Museum for a break, which was just at the foot of the Goodwill Bridge. Walked through the botanical gardens before heading straight into the city. I stopped for lunch on the way at a little cafĂ©, it was relatively quiet around the area and as soon as I hit the city centre it was mad busy! Not much to say about the city, after all it is just another city with all the same shops. I did discover here that Australia do in fact have Wagamama restaurants! Had a good look around then headed towards the Victoria Bridge so I could go back to the gallery, as it should be open by then. Really started to feel the heat as I made it over the bridge and couldn’t have reached the gallery at a better time!

The gallery was quite nice; I particularly liked Scott Redford’s surf exhibition and various Aboriginal art pieces. I’d seen everything I wanted by then so headed over the road to the station to Petrie. Definitely tired after the long day walking!


Last day of 2010! What a mad year it’s been too. I graduated and made it to Australia, never thought I’d ever go through with it! No plans for the day and as the weather was amazing, I made the most out of it so went for a huge walk along Scarborough. Quiet night with the family, I’m not big on new years so it was suited for me. I have a big year ahead of me!

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