Thursday 3 March 2011

February (so far...)


Went for lunch with Al and Peg then hammered out my resume to everywhere I possibly could around Swansea and Belmont. It’s looking pretty dire for work at the moment though as the university students don’t go back until the end of February/beginning of March.


I had a trial at a pub called the Orana this evening. The bar work was fine and the staff were nice, but it was the roughest of rough pubs and I’d have major difficulties to get home so it was tough to turn it down but it was not convenient.  I finished at 6 then joined everyone at the Yacht Club.


After the heatwave last week, apparently the hottest ever, I welcomed in some gloomy rainy weather to cool everything down. Had a bad few nights’ sleep!
I started doing some training at the bowling club – having handed out my resume everywhere and still no word of any work, even in Charlestown Sq shopping centre, I figured I may as well learn something even though it is unpaid. It’ll benefit me in the long run and the manager will give me a reference so that should help for future work. Shame really as I enjoy it there – the customers and staff are nice and the place is very clean!


I helped out at the bowling club again today and decided to go to the greyhound races with Robyn and Barry as they have a dog that was in his first race today. Pete was there too on a stag night and he introduced me to someone who reckons I can get work on a boat up at Airlie Beach so I will see how my travels up the coast go when I start that in April. Home then ending up at the Gunyah with Alison!

-        * So far February is a quiet month, mainly job hunting and spending my time at the Gunyah/Yacht Club. Also started going to the karaoke night on a Thursday with Kaz, which is good fun!*


So I went to a burlesque class tonight. Kaz’s daughter, Kasey, owns her own dance business and just started up burlesque on a Friday night. $10 and this includes nibbles and champagne. Had great fun in the class. Al and I stayed for a while after having a chat and doing terrible zumba moves!


Kaz’s birthday today! I was also invited next door for Amanda’s 6th birthday party. That started at 1pm so had a few ciders next door before getting picked up by Kaz at 5 to start the night at Kasey’s place. Kasey has the most beautiful house over looking Lake Macquarie. Dinner was booked for 7.30pm at Warner’s Bay Tavern so I was quite looking forward to that, I haven’t been there yet. I didn’t feel like much to eat due to picking all afternoon next door so I had an entrée of pumpkin and sage risotto balls, lovely food there. The place itself was really quiet so we ended up heading back to the Gunyah. Again, very quiet so we ended up at 16 Footers! Quiet at the pubs but we all had great fun.


We went for lunch at the Yacht Club (I’m in love with their $17 chicken schnitzel with Diane sauce, it’s delicious!) and met some more of Al’s friends, Jen and John and their little boy Sonny. Quiet evening with the air conditioning on as it was such a hot, muggy day!


Today is Amanda’s actual birthday so Al and I were invited to the Jewell’s Tavern for a meal. We took Maya for a good walk in the afternoon then got ready for a meal there. Dave’s family were all there too. Nice evening though it started to pour with rain – much needed rain!



My big year starts here! This is the first day of my week with OzIntro. I have been very excited about this but also quite nervous, which is to be expected really – getting into a situation where I don’t know anyone and starting the living out of a suitcase experience!

I left Scarborough at 5am for my flight from Brisbane at 7.25am – wanted to give myself enough time and you never know what the traffic will be like! Arrived in Sydney just after 10am and finally met Andy from OzIntro, there were already five other girls in the bus – Abi and Abby who have travelled together, Kate and Charlotte who also have travelled together and Faye – also going solo! Lovely girls and we managed to get into conversation after a few minutes awkward silence!

Andy gave us a quick tour through the area on the way to the hostel at Coogee. Arrived, all pretty tired, left our bags while we wait for check-in and went to the OzIntro office. Lugging my suitcase/rucksack up a million stairs was certainly a workout! At first I was put in a room away from the OzIntro group but later saw there were two free beds so it all worked out – weird but oh well, I ended up being with my group anyway.
Got ready to start our day – jet boating around the harbour and a city orientation tour. Pretty excited about seeing everything. Great fun – jet boating was amazing and Sydney is beautiful. We walked through the botanical gardens and fed some Cockatoos – I got one on my arm but missed a photo opportunity!
We went for a meal at a restaurant above the hostel called Five O’s - $10 for a meal and a drink, sorted! Then we went for a few drinks at a bar in the city called the Gaff. Relatively early night as some people had literally landed in Australia from the UK that morning and we were all tired.


Very excited about today! We all had a surfing lesson. We went to a secluded beach about 45 minutes away from Coogee, just outside Sydney. Awesome day lying on the board through the waves, I had seriously run out of energy to even push myself up on the board which was a shame, but I had fun all the same. I will definitely get surfing again! We also had the stereotypically fit surfer instructors! Chilled in the evening with the rest of the group as we were all so tired!


‘Fun day’ getting all the bank, Medicare and traveller’s at work talk stuff done. Then we went to Darling Harbour for lunch and the Sydney Aquarium – not a bad day but the Aquarium wasn’t all that amazing. Went for some drinks in the evening to Coogee Bay Hotel, or CBH for short.


In the morning we had a travel and work talk which gave us all quite a buzz about travelling. All sorts of advice, showing us photos and went through a map with us. Obviously the work side wasn’t so fun but it was useful.

Then we drove to Bondi, the weather wasn’t too great at this stage so we went to Watson’s Bay where there was a beautiful view of Sydney – could see the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. The weather cleared so we headed back to Bondi to chill on the beach for a while. We all decided we wanted a photo with the lifeguard so we all crowded into the lifeguard tower! Unfortunately it wasn’t one of the lifeguards from Bondi Rescue… damn! Went by the Bondi Icebergs swimming pool, then drove to another beach for a barbecue – yum! Lovely food too. Played on the beach – Faye, Pip, Charlotte and myself swam some lengths! We went as far as we could to the end to where the waves started to get rough. Had some drinks at the Palace in the evening, good end to a good day.


I had an appointment with Beata at 10am with Pip and Faye to discuss our travel plans. We all wanted to do the same or similar trip going up the East Coast so Beata gave us advice and individual lists of preferred activities. Faye and mine’s list were most similar as she was skipping the scuba dive course and wanted to do the sky dive over Mission Beach (apparently the highest in Australia at 14,000ft). I obviously don’t need to do a course, I’ve paid to do some scuba diving and I really want to do a sky dive! Pip wanted to do that too but decided to wait until she knew she could afford it, she decided to do her dive course at Magnetic Island. Faye and myself bought the Oz Experience bus pass too (Pip already had one) so we could hop on and hop off along the way. Some stops are compulsory and some are optional.

I want to go to Byron Bay (and Nimbin for the day from there), Surfers Paradise, Noosa, Rainbow Beach, Hervey Bay, 1770, Cattle Station, Airlie Beach, Townsville and I’ve already booked a Fraser and Whitsundays Island tour. I will also be stopping off at Mission Beach to do my sky dive. Then finally up to Cairns. This will probably take me 4-6 weeks depending on money and how long I want to stay in places. I’m hoping to stay in Cairns and try to find a job at a dive centre for a while.

I felt so excited after booking everything, knowing it is really going to happen. I can’t wait to do the sky dive – one thing I have been most excited about coming to Australia for!

We also booked our Melbourne trip for two nights and three days from the 13-15th January. We also booked our Great Ocean Road trip on Friday the 14th and I booked Pip and me to do the ‘ultimate’ Neighbours tour on Saturday the 15th.

This evening was the Oz Party bar crawl, one free drink in each of the five bars. Wallaby-something-or-other at Darling Harbour, Scary Canary, Sidebar, Scubar and finally the Gaff. Our theme for the night was geeks! I haven’t dressed up as a geek before so I knew it’d be fun. We bought tacky plastic glasses, knee high socks and a tie.

The Oz Party bus was really fun – dancing on the bus, jumping around and banging on the roof! Good night!


A much needed chill day. Hung out at Coogee beach all afternoon then headed to the OzIntro office to catch up online. Pip, Charlotte and myself had a roast dinner for tea. Yum! We bought mash with gravy, carrots and peas, and a whole chicken from Woolworths for $5.45 down from $10.90 – bargain! Probably the cheapest roast dinner ever but it was tasty!


Day trip to the Blue Mountains. I’ve been looking forward to this for a while. Started as a rainy day! Boo! We stopped off to see some kangaroos on the way; one had a joey poking out of her pouch, which was very cute.

When we got to the first lookout at the mountains, due to the weather it was looking very dull! Couldn’t see anything over the trees, it was like the end of the world! The advantage of all the rain meant the waterfall was very full rather than looking like it had teardrops. It was an amazing place to walk with beautiful scenery. We went into Katoomba for some lunch at the YHA, as we were able to shelter there. YHA looked really clean and well kept – very different to our hostel in Coogee! Though sometimes I feel the cleaner hostels are too formal, Surfside is very chilled. After this we made our way back into the mountains to start our walk down 1,000 steps! The weather started to clear up by then and I caught my first glimpse of the Three Sisters and blueness of the mountains. Our tour guide, Jason told the story of the Three Sisters – look up on Google if you’re interested, I’m sure it will be online! We carried on with the walk, went under a curved rock face which they called the telegraph telephone. We all stood in a line and shouted ‘koowee!’ like Crocodile Dundee. Still walking further through the trees we reached the Katoomba railway, the steepest in the world. Looked a little daunting but I was looking forward to it! Jason told us to be careful going through the cave, keep our hands in the carriage, as there are spiders in there, eek! I wouldn’t stick my hands out for fear of falling out of it anyway!

Soon it ended and we were on our way back into Sydney to get ready for our farewell dinner up the Sydney Tower in the revolving restaurant. We all dressed up in our glad rags and got ready to have one last meal all together. The revolving restaurant was really good, amazing views from over the city and all you can eat food was lovely. Treated myself to a glass of champagne cocktail at the end. When we got back to Coogee, some of us weren’t ready for the night to end yet so we went to the CBH and learnt more of each other playing ‘I Have Never’, that was good fun. Great end to a great day!


Two of the girls – Kate and Charlotte – were leaving today as they have an apartment sorted for a week. Realised OzIntro has officially come to an end, can’t believe how quick it went! I’m definitely glad I did this as I had some great opportunities and met some brilliant people!

Vikki, Pete and I decided to go to Palm Beach today, where Home & Away is filmed. It took forever to get there; we didn’t anticipate the long journey that’s for sure! I thought it was worth it though; I’ve wanted to come here for as long as I can remember. Such a weird thing, seeing a place I’ve watched on TV back at home! I knew there wasn’t much in the way of the buildings used in the show – but the Bait Shop is an actual shop and the diner used is a café inside. Walked along the pier they use! Tried to take it all in that I was actually there, very weird. Once we saw everything and took as many photos as possible, we were all ready to head back to Coogee – starving as we were. Faye, Pete, Vikki and myself decided a Dominos was the best plan and ate that on Coogee beach, it was perfect!


Faye and myself decided we’d go to Manly today. We caught the bus into the city and then the ferry over to Manly. Manly turned into one of my favourite little towns – there’s the beach you see as you arrive on the ferry, then fantastic shopping and a huge beach on the other side. I can certainly see myself living somewhere like Manly! Loved Manly.

That night we went out to Bondi, starting off at a cool bar called Bunga Bar and all shared one of their special cocktails. Then onto the Beach hotel as there were some bands on that night, I started getting very tired though and wasn’t too keen on the Beach hotel bar, so Abi, Abby and I all headed back to Coogee for some chips and sleep! I also needed to be up at 4am to get ready for our trip to Melbourne.


Faye, Pip, Charlotte and I were ready to leave at 4.45am for our trip to Melbourne! We caught a bus into Sydney and left our main luggage at the Base hostel and as we found ourselves short on time we caught the train to the airport.

We arrived in Melbourne at 8.45am, caught the coach into the CBD and found the Nomads hostel we were staying at for the next two nights. Check in wasn’t until 2pm so we made our way to the Victorian markets, walked all around town (with bags, very heavy and it was chucking it down with rain!) and went to Federation Square. We had a look around the ACMI gallery. By then we were ready to head back to the hostel, all soaked and exhausted. We had also just found out the Oz Experience bus wasn’t running so we got a little bothered by that and wanted to see what we could do about it once we got to the hostel.
I got worried and upset about it wondering what to do next, but as luckily I have family here, I phoned my cousin Alison and asked if I could come back to stay with them for a while and get myself sorted, so she booked me onto the bus from Sydney to Belmont on Sunday at 1.20pm. Felt some relief then but wasn’t sure what to do about my vouchers. Emailed friends out of worry and upset then went back to my room for a lie down. After I calmed down, I decided to talk to the lady behind the travel desk at the hostel and she recommended I don’t be so hasty and cancel anything. Being that I still want to do the East Coast trip and my vouchers are open dated there’s really no need to cancel them and do it another time. I felt much better after this and glad I hadn’t rushed into anything, it’s not like I’m on a tight schedule like Pip and Faye. This time of year isn’t the best to head north anyway and with all the floods and poor families trying to piece their lives back together, the last thing they’ll want are backpackers trekking through their towns. Rockhampton is one of the stops and is one of the worst affected.

After being left a bit disappointed, wet and tired, we decided a girly night was much needed. We went to China Town for a meal at a place called Shanghai Dumplings, then onto the cinema to see the Little Fockers. Can’t believe the cost of the cinema there, $18 for a ticket! Rip off. Oh well, it was worth it. Just what I needed! Couldn’t wait to get to bed to sleep after such a long day. The hostel was really clean, big and had a fan so I knew I’d get at least one good nights sleep!


Day trip on the Great Ocean Road. It was still raining in the morning, how miserable! Felt much better after sleep and having a plan for when I get back to Sydney.

Ash was our tour guide for the day. We stopped off at a few places, annoyingly forgetting some of the names. One of them was Bell’s Beach, which would have looked nicer in the sun! Then one of Australia’s best surf beaches or something, a few more places before stopping for a tea break where the lighthouse from Round the Twist and Mad Max was filmed. I was excited to see that, as I loved Round the Twist! I also very much needed a cup of tea. Then headed off again for a little walk around a rainforest, lunch at a place called Lorne (here the weather perked and the sun came out, woohoo!), though we had to take a detour due to one of the roads being closed because of the weather. Then it was time to see the Twelve Apostles – or what was left of them! I enjoyed seeing them as I’ve heard a lot about the area already. We had a good look around then moved onto another area and went down to a beach in a gorge, which was beautiful. Nearing the end of the day, our last stop was a rock formation called the ‘London Bridge’. The story Ash told us was that when the bridge to the island started breaking, there was a couple on the island. Luckily they were rescued and weren’t on the part that started breaking. Though he also told us they were having an affair, so what a way to be caught out! I don’t know how true that is though and haven’t bothered to look into it so I’m not too convinced!

All of us still tired getting back to the hostel; we just chilled at the bar and had a glass of free goon – lovely, though I can’t complain when it’s free!


Neighbours tour! Yay! One of the things I have most been looking forward to about Melbourne. We went to the hotel we were told to meet at and met a guy on his own waiting to do it. For some reason it surprised me a guy was so interested in doing it too and seemed as excited as me about it.

We watched some old episodes on the bus on the way and the lovely guide told us some spoilers that ruined the illusions in a way. For example, they make things appear bigger or smaller depending on what situation they’re filming, if it’s raining (as it does a lot in Melbourne), they use lights to simulate the sun and only stop filming when they can see raindrops on the actors clothing. The houses are numbered 2-6, but in the show they change them to 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 etc. The real residents must close their curtains and blinds so we can’t see inside that the furniture isn’t the characters’ and remove all vehicles to the bottom of the street when they’re filming. We saw Erinsborough High to start with (which isn’t used anymore as law states you can’t film under 16s, the parents took too long to decide and wanted money whereas they are allowed to film at TAFE for free). Then up to Ramsay Street itself! It looks so much smaller in real life compared to how it looks on TV (probably due to one of their filming tricks). It was such a surreal and amazing feeling being there – yet it didn’t feel quite real! Took plenty of photos outside the houses with and without the Ramsay Street sign! After photo-ing myself out, we headed to the TV studio. Saw Grease Monkeys, Carpenters’ Mechanics, Erinsborough Motors and the bus stop that goes anywhere! Then we went into the Lassiter’s Complex – again that was quite small. Saw the little gazebo, the uni, the matinee Paul was pushed off, Toadie’s office, Harold’s Store, Charlie’s, the police station and Harold’s veggie patch. After we’d seen everything and taken a million photos we made our way back to the Neighbours centre where we would meet a ‘Neighbours star’. I had a feeling I knew who it would be and I was right! We met Janelle Timmins, the mother of one of the best families ever in Neighbours! She was a lovely lady.

The morning soon ended, so Pip and I were dropped off back at the hostel to grab our stuff. Pip found a 2-4-1 voucher for the pancake place we’d seen so we went there – how unhealthy! After lunch we went to St. Kilda to meet Faye and Charlotte to chill out there for the rest of the afternoon before our flight back to Sydney.

We had booked into Nomads as we were impressed with the one in Melbourne and Base (where we left our bags) had no room left. When we got there we picked our bags up from Base and made our way to Nomads. The reception area looked promising but the room… what a shithole! The room was too small, smelly with barely any ventilation. Disgusting ‘en suite’ (which is why you need a pair of flip flops to shower in when you come across showers like that!), but it was only one night so we coped. I remember being woken up at 4am and everyone was awake. It was very weird! I just remember saying; ‘Faye, why is everyone awake!?’
I had arranged with Pete and Vikki to meet in the morning for a drink before I head back to Belmont. Pete kindly offered for me to leave my stuff in his room as he was staying at Wakeup, just by Eddy Avenue where I need to get my bus.

I had the BEST hot chocolate from Charlie Lovett (thanks Pete!) and some unhealthy snacks. Faye and Pip met up with us once they’d ditched their bags at Base. We saw Vikki’s new digs, then it was time to say goodbye! The girls were heading to Bondi, so a hungover Pete helped me with my stuff and waited with me until the bus arrived. I hope to see the OzIntro lot again but who knows where people are going to be!
So back on my way to Belmont! Alison planned to meet me at the stop just in town, which was nice. We had steak, chicken, salad and chips for tea – yum! Went online next door to catch up online and sort my photos out – then slept with Maya on my bed again, bliss!

17.01.11 (Happy birthday Taid!)

Sorting through my stuff today, really need to repack and decide what I only need to take as I want as little as possible to travel with. Managed to get on Skype to say happy birthday to Taid. I also booked onto the RSA, RCG and bar course for the 24th and 25th January – just before Australia Day on the 26th so I can celebrate!


I met Alison’s baby niece for the first time today! A beautiful girl named Sophia Rose born on the 10th January.


We went for a swim at Blacksmiths today but Alison got stung by a bluebottle, so we cut that one short! We arranged to have a meal with Mel, Loz, Katrina and Karen at the bowling club in the evening then onto the Gunyah for some drinks.


There were a load of bands playing at the Yacht Club so we went down there for lunch with a group of people. Was a good day and met some lovely people, ending with a few drinks on a nice boat.


I decided to re-arrange the RSA course for Saturday as it was starting at 9.15am and finishing at 10.45pm with the bar course, and after yesterday I don’t think my brain would function for so long! So I went along in the afternoon to do the bar course which turned out to be great fun. I met some lovely girls, Angela, Leah and Jasmin. We were told all about bar work – learnt how to pour a beer properly, wine, shots and mixers. We learnt our spirits from darks to lights – Bourbon, Scotch, Rum, Vodka, Bacardi, Tequila and Gin. We practiced for a practical exam, which we’d be doing after the theory. Relieved it turned out to be such a great evening!


Today I was doing the RCG course, which stands for Responsible Conduct of Gambling. Most pubs and clubs have poker, Keno and TAB machines so if you want to work in a bar; it’s a bonus to have the RCG certificate on top of the RSA. Overall it was pretty boring, luckily Ange and Jasmin were there to take the course too so I had company! Though it was quite interesting and a little difficult at times as we all have much less knowledge on gambling than alcohol… I never knew gambling could be such a problem for people. I was relieved when it ended as it was quite intense trying to take everything in being I know so little about gambling so I had a very much needed swim in the afternoon and we looked after next doors girls, Amanda and Emma, in the evening!


Happy Australia Day!

I’ve very much been looking forward to Australia Day, as it’ll be my first, and probably my last here. Up early at 8.15am so we could get to the sand islands in plenty of time and park the boat. I went with Dave, Lene, the girls and Dave’s aunt Wendy, as we were going out on the big boat. Al and Pete took the little tinny. A good old bacon and egg butty for breakfast then spend the rest of the day with a few ciders in the sea. Emma went out on a boat by herself, but the current was really strong that day so we nearly lost her! Dave got her back on the tinny thankfully. I went with Al and Pete on the tinny about 1.30pm so we could make a head start on the BBQ. Quite intense to spend all day in the sun anyway so I was ready for it! As we finished getting ready and preparing the food, Alison’s friends Nat and Ben arrived with their little girl Lola Blue. Lene, Dave, the girls, Kaz, Dan, Kylie and Sophia arrived later on. So now I have experienced Australia Day and wish Saint David’s Day was similar!


I had my re-scheduled RSA course this morning. Much like the RCG, you need to have your Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate to work at a bar in Australia so it was definitely necessary if I am to work in a bar. Pretty easy going, a lot of it using common sense and it’s an open book test so you have the answers anyway. Still trying to get used to the equivalent of a pint and half pint – schooner and a midi!
Al, Kaz and Al’s friend Stacey and I decided to go to the Exchange in Hamilton for a girls night out. It’s a very odd place and can’t say I’ll go again – at least on a Saturday night! I had fun with the girls though but I was ready to get the taxi back when we did.


Nothing better than a good BBQ on a Sunday afternoon after the night before! Robyn and Barry had arranged a family BBQ so Kylie, Dan and Sophia will be there too.



First day of December!

The car was taken in for recall for something, so while we were waiting we went to a shopping centre, Charlestown Sq, just outside Newcastle. Lovely shops, they are a lot more expensive to those at home but also quite similar. We went to pick up the car then drove to the Crowne Plaza of Newcastle for lunch. I had squid once again and seafood linguini. We headed towards some of the beaches after this but just had a look. They were stunning! I wanted to go in the sea but unfortunately not able to as we didn’t stay long enough. 

There were lots of beautiful views and lovely houses. It looks like an amazing place to live.
We drove by the lake (Lake Macquarie) where Belle’s house went onto, but not the part where her house is.
Stopped off at the shopping centre in Cessnock to get a few things. I needed some cheap flip-flops and quick drying underwear! 

We had bread with white Costello cheese and another early night for me. Getting tired and I’m missing home a bit at the moment. Not sure if it’s because I know I’m away for so long or maybe because I haven’t had time with people around my age. It’s also a struggle to keep in touch with everyone at home as I haven’t been able to connect my laptop to Megan and Norman’s internet and I don’t like to ask to go on his computer all the time, then staying on it for ages! I’m sure this will improve though and I hope to use Skype soon.


I looked into booking my flight from Brisbane to Sydney on the 4th January. I booked with Jetstar, which cost $104 that is about £70! I took insurance out (as you never know) so definitely a good bargain! Managed to catch up briefly on Facebook and my emails. I also saw a King Parrot today; apparently they’re quite rare to see! Have seen a handful of Galahs (pink breasted Cockatoos) this week too.


My birthday! Megan and Norman gave me a little something from Australia, called Zebra rock. It is certainly a nice little souvenir. We headed to a town called Morisset today; they took me to an area to see some wild kangaroos, which I have been looking forward to seeing! We parked up on the side and I stepped out to take some photos. I caught the attention of one kangaroo that decided to hop towards me, so I jumped back into the car – you just don’t know what they’ll do! He sat by the window though and just peered at me for a while before heading around the back of the car to peer at me again. Very cute! Then we went to Belle’s house. It is in such a peaceful, beautiful area on the lake. I felt quite sad being there as she sadly passed away a few months ago – at the good age of 97 years though!

After this we went to a traditional Aussie pub for lunch in Morisset, which is next to a small shopping centre. I had garlic brandy cream prawns that were lovely, and a glass of pink champagne! I doubt I will be eating this well as soon as I leave the family! I posted some things home then we headed back to Cessnock.
Pat and Ken, who I met at the steakhouse, called round in the early evening and had bought me a little Kookaburra charm. Very kind of them as I had only met them once! I’m finding Australians are very accommodating, I don’t think you find this much back at home. Phoned the parents and Taid, and Nana had phoned Megan and Norman just as I was finishing talking to Taid.


Today is the family picnic in the Hunter Valley vineyards. We weren’t sure whether we were going to cancel it because it had been raining at the start of the week; the past couple of days have been very humid so we were due a storm. It was drizzling in the morning and no one phoned to say they weren’t coming, so at the moment it was looking good.

Fortunately it was very light on the way to Hunter Valley and stopped when we got there and got a table under cover! It was turning into a lovely day actually and the sun was shining all afternoon. I was only in it very quickly and caught the sun on my nose – I didn’t have any sun cream with me so couldn’t stay in it for long! I met only about half the family and there was a lot there. I’m going to have to get the names on photos, as I won’t remember! Some of which are Megan’s niece, Robyn and her husband Barry, their daughter Alison and her husband Peter, who were so nice. Alison and Peter have invited me to stay with them next weekend, which will be absolutely lovely. They live close to the beach and a lake – finally can get into some Aussie waters! Peter has a little bit of Aboriginal blood in him that I find so cool.

After a good few hours, people started to head home and all that were left was me, Megan, Norman, their son Marcus and his wife Alison and their nine year old son, Hugo. We decided to play Aqua-golf before heading our separate ways. I was terrible; it was much harder than it looked! Alison and Hugo were really good.

I had a really great time meeting some fantastic people and very glad the weather was lovely all day.
Got home, had a little bit of tea and watched some television. I really enjoyed an Aussie drama/soap called ‘Bed of Roses’ so hopefully I’ll find it online when I get back to the UK! Not long went to bed after this as I am still suffering with tiredness!


First time I’ve put sun cream on today! Very summery, sunny day. We decided to go to Nelson Bay today. I watched the houses go by along the way, changing from being right next door to each other to so much space between them. These had horses in their land. Reminded me how much I miss horse riding and decided I will look for somewhere to go during my travels – surely there’s riding schools all over the place!

Nelson Bay is beautiful. Very much surfer orientated – as you expect at an Aussie beach, still getting used to seeing surfers everywhere! Hopefully I’ll bag me one of those, haha! They were reasonably quiet though this will change nearing Christmas! Still lacking the Aussie sea on my skin and feel very teased being shown these lovely beaches but I shall be on them soon enough… hopefully next weekend.

Had a lovely lunch of Barramundi fish with chips overlooking the harbour. Popped by Salamander Bay before heading home. Neighbours on TV tonight, wheey!


I had a great weekend in Belmont with Alison and Pete. We went to Cave’s Beach (my favourite so far), went with Pete and their next-door neighbour, Dave, to go four-wheel driving along Blacksmiths beach and chilled out at a beach on Lake Macquarie. Alison’s father, Barry, has been in hospital though so that was rubbish. Alison and Pete also have a beautiful Staffie called Maya. Gave me a good excuse to go out walking with her, which was nice along Lake Macquarie, which is only minutes from their house. We went for a night out to the Gunyah on Saturday night, their friends Catrina, Simon and Tina joined us too. Had to head back to Cessnock on the Wednesday as I was leaving for Queensland with Megan and Norman the next day. Long journey!


We left Cessnock at 9am. We stopped off at a place called Tamworth for lunch. This place is big on Western Country music and has a festival every year. Bought some souvenirs and started back on the road towards Tenterfield, where we are spending the night. I had a room all to myself and got to admire a big storm happening outside! Was great to have my own space.


Left Tenterfield at the early hour of 8am to aim to arrive in Queensland relatively early. That failed, as we weren’t able to take the route as normal due to the bad weather and bad traffic. Finally arrived at 1pm (Queensland time, they’re an hour behind as they don’t use daylight saving), so we were in time for some much needed lunch. Met their next-door neighbours for a meal that night. Will definitely miss being cooked for, haha!


My first full day at their unit in Scarborough (Queensland, not UK!) and their daughter, Fiona, was coming over with her sons, Tristan (14) and Hamish (12) for lunch. Fiona invited me to stay over for the night so it will be easier for me to go to Australia Zoo, which is likely to happen on Monday so will stay there tomorrow.

Fiona picked me up around 10.30am, and then went to the shopping centre for some quick shopping. She insisted on getting me a Christmas present, so I chose a blue dress with a swallow design. I bought myself a $10 top for the beach too – bargain! Both from an awesome shop called Cotton On. Went to their house and chilled for the rest of the afternoon.


Australia Zoo! Also commonly known as the ‘Steve Irwin Zoo’. The forecast was looking good so it was definitely the best time to go. It was pretty straight forward, I was a bit nervous as first as it was the first time I went to the zoo alone and in a place I’ve never been before. I just needed to get off at Beerwah station and a courtesy bus would pick me up.

I arrived about 9.30am so wandered around looking at some animals before the Wildlife Warriors show started at 11am. That was excellent and after this I headed along the Koala Walk and Roo Heaven. Saw pretty much everything, I was especially excited to see a Tasmanian devil as I’ve waited so long to see one. Not only that but there were also seven month old baby ones too, so cute! I never realised how big a kookaburra was either so that was cool seeing those. The highlight of the day was of course holding a koala and having a photo taken with it! Found some more souvenirs to buy then I was all bought out.
Met some girls on the way home – Irish, Scottish and English – all the Brits! Was nice to be able to chat to British people. Had such a brilliant day!


I ended up being invited to stay some more nights at Fiona’s and as we had no plans, I went with Hamish to see Harry Potter at the cinema. Lovely weather all day again!


Today Fiona, Graeme, Tristan, Hamish and myself all went to the beach to go on the jet ski and have a go at wakeboarding, knee boarding and jet skiing. So much fun but fell off a lot! Couldn’t believe how warm the water was to get into straight away. It was still pretty cold in Belmont! Watched movies for the rest of the day as we were all pretty tired.


Christmas Eve already! Doesn’t feel like Christmas at all for me. We watched the Condemned before leaving to go to Graeme’s sister, Kathy’s house for a meal. Had a great time there, they’re a lovely family – Kathy’s husband Dave, their children Cam (11), Siobhan (19), Lyndal (24) and Lyndal’s children Max (18 months) and Charlie (Charlotte, 4) – tall kids for their age! I taught Charlie how to play noughts and crosses, except we used triangles and circles on an Etcha-Sketcha!
Before we left, Dave, Cam, Hamish, Tristan and I went out to ‘get rid’ of the dozens of cane toads in the garden. Cane toads are a common pest in Queensland, so you have to get rid of them. Good day there too.


Well I didn’t wake up feeling Christmassy! Probably a good thing else I’d probably think of home too much. I still had a nice day at Fiona’s. Megan and Norman came over for dinner about 11am, Graeme was in work so were minus one.

I spoke to Taid, Cheryl, Mum and Dad so that was nice. Lauren and I text each other. It’s made me appreciate Christmas with my family more, not that I ever didn’t! The weather looked like it was turning for the worse – lots of rain on the way!


I stayed at Fiona’s again last night (as I went back with Megan and Norman on Christmas day) so I could catch the train early into Brisbane. My plan was to explore South Bank and walk along there into the city, over the Goodwill Bridge.

As I arrived at 9am, the gallery was closed so decided to skip that for now and walk along the river towards Goodwill Bridge. Had a look at the manmade beach (not as impressive as I thought it would be) then stopped by the Maritime Museum for a break, which was just at the foot of the Goodwill Bridge. Walked through the botanical gardens before heading straight into the city. I stopped for lunch on the way at a little café, it was relatively quiet around the area and as soon as I hit the city centre it was mad busy! Not much to say about the city, after all it is just another city with all the same shops. I did discover here that Australia do in fact have Wagamama restaurants! Had a good look around then headed towards the Victoria Bridge so I could go back to the gallery, as it should be open by then. Really started to feel the heat as I made it over the bridge and couldn’t have reached the gallery at a better time!

The gallery was quite nice; I particularly liked Scott Redford’s surf exhibition and various Aboriginal art pieces. I’d seen everything I wanted by then so headed over the road to the station to Petrie. Definitely tired after the long day walking!


Last day of 2010! What a mad year it’s been too. I graduated and made it to Australia, never thought I’d ever go through with it! No plans for the day and as the weather was amazing, I made the most out of it so went for a huge walk along Scarborough. Quiet night with the family, I’m not big on new years so it was suited for me. I have a big year ahead of me!



My first day of my big Australian adventure!

I still can’t believe this is really happening – since I started planning it, time has gone so quickly. There’s always so much to think about. It’s not like I can pop home for the weekend when I feel like it!

We met Lauren and Des for lunch at the Helsby Arms on the way to the airport, which was nice to see them again before I go. Lauren gave me a lovely bracelet.

We got to Manchester airport about 4.30pm and checked in pretty quickly – the wonders of checking in online! Had a quick cup of tea with the parents before the dreaded goodbyes. There were tears, which I wanted to avoid! Mum’s fault for starting them! I made my way towards security and had no problems getting through, helped calm my nerves!

Had a look around the airport before edging my way towards the gate. I met a lady in the waiting lounge. She was visiting her daughter for five weeks. It so happened she was sat near me on the aeroplane but as there were a lot of empty seats, I moved to the row in front of her so we had a spare seat next to us – made for a more comfortable journey!

I attempted to watch ‘Grown Ups’ but couldn’t get into it. I fell asleep during ‘Despicable Me’, an episode of ‘The IT Crowd’ and ‘The Mighty Boosh’! Every time I went to turn it off to sleep I’d be awake.


After little sleep we were soon descending into Abu Dhabi after six hours in the air, where I make my connection to Sydney. We arrived there at 6.25am, which would be 2.25am UK time.
I refreshed myself then waited to board the next flight. Luckily I was still with Jane so I had company.
This plane was the slightest bit smaller than the previous aircraft and I wasn’t sat with Jane this time, but I still had an empty seat next to me. This time I watched ‘The Other Guys’, after a lovely lunch with a hot chocolate!

After a little sleep, I felt like watching something light hearted so I chose ‘Hannah Montana’! It wasn’t too bad. Followed by ‘Aristocats’ and ‘Toy Story 3’. By then it was time to descend for Sydney – eek!

29.11.10 (Happy birthday Aunty Nade!)

We landed at 7.10am and I met Jane again and we went through customs easily with no problems, and then exchanged numbers to keep in touch. I left her and headed to the pick up point to meet Megan and Norman. Took a little while as the airport has changed since they came last so they weren’t entirely sure where I was, but fortunately Megan found me in the end!

Drove through the city of Sydney and saw a glimpse of the Harbour Bridge and Opera House on the way out of the tunnel. It was raining so they were a little misty. That was my first hit that I was actually in Australia!
We drove towards Gosford and into a town called Terragol. There’s a beautiful beach here and some amazing views up the hills. I took a few photos then went into a restaurant called ‘Odna’. I tried fried squid for the first time for my entrée, then Atlantic salmon with sweet potato puree for my main. I thought I’d enjoy a glass of Shiraz that came with my meal! It was a lovely first meal.

Then we headed to their home in Cessnock. I started to get tired then but fought falling asleep the best I could so I only snoozed. Arriving in Cessnock, it was just how I imagined but more beautiful. The houses are huge and typically Australian. Megan and Norman’s house is stunning, very spacious with amazing views and a swimming pool! I have my own bathroom to use that is handy and a lovely bedroom. I kept dropping off after tea (boiled eggs, can’t go wrong!) so I had a shower then headed to bed around 8pm.

30.11.10 (Happy birthday Cheryl!)

We went to see Pokolbin in the Hunter Valley vineyards today. The weather was grim but very warm. The buildings were lovely and surrounding areas are nothing like I have seen before. We’re coming back here on Saturday 4th December for a family picnic.

In the evening we went to a local steakhouse for one of their friends’, Ken, 85th birthday. I can’t manage steak just yet so I chose char grilled chicken – not many vegetarian options, but then it is a steakhouse! Massive plate sizes so I regretted munching some bread beforehand. Met some lovely people. David – a scuba diver and his partner Michele. A girl around my age called Ellen who has travelled everywhere! It’d be nice to see them again but there’s already so much planned during my stay in Cessnock. Early night once more!