Friday 26 November 2010

Last Day In Wales!

Well, this is officially my last post from Wales!

It's been a mad few weeks of seeing friends, family, visiting Helsby and Manchester as well as going to two gigs last weekend! Where on earth will the packing come into it!

I started on Wednesday, went through clothes and laid them out on the floor into a definitely and a maybe pile. When it came to packing the maybe turned into a no and some of the definitely items just had to go! It's a shame I can't take everything as some things were bought new to take but I'm being sensible and want to take as little as I can so that, 1) I hopefully won't go over the allowance and 2) I don't want to be carrying a ridiculously heavy bag!

I bought all the last minute essentials yesterday and they are now all in the case so I think I pretty much have everything packed.

My day started rather well. Woke up to it snowing! Dad bought me a coronation chicken bun and a lemon bun for lunch - lemon buns are the best from Cadwgan Bakery. Now I'm getting ready to go to say bye to some of my family - I'm dreading saying goodbye to the grandparents, my stomach is turning at the thought of it. Gotta be done though. Meal with the family later and see some friends for one more goodbye! Sad but good day.

So the next time I write will be from down under! Wish me luck! X

Sunday 7 November 2010

20 Days To Go...

So as the title says, not too long left now! I can remember my first count at 17 weeks - doesn't feel that long! This summer has flown by.

This time in 3 weeks I will be up in the air somewhere! It's such a surreal feeling. People keep saying how excited I must be, I am, but I don't like to solely talk about it - I feel like I'm rubbing it in people's faces in a way and I don't want conversation to revolve around me and Australia - as much as I am really looking forward to it, I still want to talk about other things! I also think it's partly due to the fact I will miss Wales. My family and friends are here. It's so close now and I keep being reminded I won't be home for Christmas, part of me feels sad because it'll be the first Christmas in 23 (I also celebrate my 23rd birthday in Australia!) years I won't be with my parents. It'll also be their first Christmas without my sister and I (well, since we were born anyway!) as she's spending it with her partner's family this year!

It's also very surreal as I have waited for so long to go. I never thought I'd really organise and do it. I just hope I don't hate it and come home! You just don't know when you've never been somewhere and especially for such a long time. I can't wait to go scuba diving though, it's probably the only thing I'm really most excited about at the moment - I haven't been this summer and I miss it an awful lot!

I have to admit I'm glad I'm not flying with Qantas this month! They were in my top 5 choices but after what's just happened to one of the engines on the A380, I would be absolutely terrified now! Doesn't stop my usual worries of a potential plane crash but fingers crossed nothing goes wrong with Etihad - knowing my luck!

I am enjoying the Christmas songs at work, I don't care if people think it's too early! I love the lead up to Christmas - winter weather (though I am lacking lovely new winter clothes, very hard to resist buying them!), decorations, that Christmassy smell, music, food... everything! Luckily the Christmas market in Conwy/Llandudno is on from the 18th - 21st November so I can see that one and I go to Manchester that weekend, which also starts on the 18th so I can see that too! I love the Manchester market, the strawberry and lime 'kebab' soaked in chocolate - yummy! So next Sunday is my last weekend at work - only a few shifts left now. I have Saturday off so that gives me all day to prepare my goodbyes to friends - all of which I will hopefully still see in the weeks before my departure, but it's hard getting everyone together at once so it's gotta be done.

I think that's enough rambling for now! My next update will probably be just before I go, eeek! X

Thursday 23 September 2010


Further updates,

I have decided to book with a company called OzIntro who help you settle into Australia with a weeks stay in Sydney. They organise daily trips such as a surf lesson, day trip to the Blue Mountains, BBQ, meals etc and they also help you set up an Australian bank account, tax file number, give you an Aussie sim card as well as other important bits. They help you find work and are a contact for the whole year. They can help you with the visa application, flights and insurance but I have chosen to do those separately as I have personal preferences. I decided to pay an extra £25 to gain access to job searches etc that you wouldn't be able to without paying the extra. The link is to the right of my blog if you're interested in what they offer. It was through my friend, Helen, that I found out about the company and I couldn't resist getting myself booked onto it. You don't particularly need to and you can do all the things they do on your own but as a solo traveller, I find it a big help and reassurance knowing I will be in a situation to meet fellow backpackers and with their help opening a bank account, it's a worry dealt with! It sounds lazy of me but there's already so much to organise it's a weight off my shoulders! So I will be starting my OzIntro week on the 4th January.

I am also in talks with a friend who is already over there to spend New Year's in Sydney. Since the millennium I haven't been too fussed over New Year, but the more I think spending it somewhere like Sydney, the more inclined I am to go. It's a one off opportunity, especially if I don't get the chance to go again.

I bought myself a rucksack with wheels a few weeks ago. Again, this was something Helen had mentioned and I was debating at the time whether to take a rucksack or suitcase... I didn't even think to look for the best of both! Fortunately it was £60 down from £100 (which has since gone back up to £100) so I'm glad I bought it when I did. I was a bit naughty and added some swimwear into my purchase but they were in the sale and things I will need out there so they're not unnecessary buys! As well as a few little bits that will come in handy during my stay. Another debate about taking a sleeping bag was at the back of my mind but another steal from Helen to get a sleeping liner instead. Much cheaper, more lightweight and smaller so easier to carry.

So now I need to organise insurance. I'm waiting for my folks to get back from their holiday so dad can help me find the best one. I think I need his help financially too! It's all payments I need to make now so I will pay them back gradually. I also don't know whether to carry my laptop around with me. I'm definitely going to take it, but I'm wondering whether to leave it at my cousin's house when I start travelling. It's a MacBook Pro so it's not cheap! I will just have to see what insurance I can get for it to help me decide. My camera's definitely going to be some company but I do think it's starting to lose some life, it's starting to rattle a bit. It did well going to Lapland being in -30c outside to going inside warm cabins, though I did my best to abide precautions, there's only so long you can leave your camera until you need to use it!

Anyway, this blog is becoming awfully long. I'm quite good at going on. If there was a degree in blog-writing or emailing I think I'd be a first class student! X

Wednesday 11 August 2010


Hello again, just a post to fill up my blog a bit! It will be a little empty until I begin my travels though.

I booked my flights last week! I depart Manchester on the 27th November, change in Abu Dhabi and finally arrive in Sydney on the 29th November. Early start as I arrive in Sydney at 07.20am! Fortunately I am getting picked up by some cousin's I will be staying with for about 6 weeks, in their home in Cessnock, which as far as I can tell, is about an hours drive from Sydney. They said they will be bringing me straight home from the airport, but I am going to try my best to stay awake and eat meals at the usual times to try my best at suffering jet lag as little as possible! That first week, they will be taking me around the area they live and to Newcastle, which is nearby. We will try to visit Sydney again that week but otherwise we will go soon after, as they will be arranging a family get together the following weekend - which falls the day after my birthday! The cousin's my age now work as well as the older folk so it will have to be a weekend that I meet them.

We should then be visiting Queensland for a little bit, then to Brisbane for a while. After this, I will then be embarking on my own journey around Australia! Before I start looking for work, I am hoping I have enough money to take me to Ayers Rock (and fly over in a hot air balloon), Melbourne and hopefully visit Sydney again. Depending on what work is available at this time, I'm going to be looking for work in Moreton Bay/Moreton Island or Cairns. Ideally I would love to work in a dive shop. I should be starting my divemaster course in September before I head off so this should help get me a job quicker! After I have worked for a while and saved some, if I can get some time off work to come back to, I'd like to visit Perth, Darwin and hopefully fly over to Tasmania, Fiji and New Zealand. There's always hope I can do it all!

But for now, I must keep trying to save as much money as possible and get everything else organised; health/travel insurance, open an Australian bank account (I have been told I can do it here, but I need to find out if it'll be easier to do so here or when I arrive in Australia) and any various little bits that I need to do before I go. I certainly have enough clothes so at least I don't need to worry about that! Though I could probably do with a big hat! X

Sunday 1 August 2010

First Post!

I've decided to create a blog a little before I start my travels to Australia in November. The main reason behind this is so I can easily (and cheaply) update friends and family (who are interested!) in my journey!

I will be starting a 365 Day Project before I go to improve my skills and build my portfolio. I am taking a break from education and will be using this opportunity to practice camera skills and develop new styles for my photography to find new ways of proving my work. My main theme behind the project will be a little more mixed rather than just self portraits or just still objects I see every day. I would like to include both, so I can see how I have changed in 12 months but also keep it a little interesting showing the world through my eyes and any activities I partake in to a personal level, such as scuba diving or involvement with animals, as those who know me, are two of my biggest passions.

So watch this space! X