Friday 26 November 2010

Last Day In Wales!

Well, this is officially my last post from Wales!

It's been a mad few weeks of seeing friends, family, visiting Helsby and Manchester as well as going to two gigs last weekend! Where on earth will the packing come into it!

I started on Wednesday, went through clothes and laid them out on the floor into a definitely and a maybe pile. When it came to packing the maybe turned into a no and some of the definitely items just had to go! It's a shame I can't take everything as some things were bought new to take but I'm being sensible and want to take as little as I can so that, 1) I hopefully won't go over the allowance and 2) I don't want to be carrying a ridiculously heavy bag!

I bought all the last minute essentials yesterday and they are now all in the case so I think I pretty much have everything packed.

My day started rather well. Woke up to it snowing! Dad bought me a coronation chicken bun and a lemon bun for lunch - lemon buns are the best from Cadwgan Bakery. Now I'm getting ready to go to say bye to some of my family - I'm dreading saying goodbye to the grandparents, my stomach is turning at the thought of it. Gotta be done though. Meal with the family later and see some friends for one more goodbye! Sad but good day.

So the next time I write will be from down under! Wish me luck! X

Sunday 7 November 2010

20 Days To Go...

So as the title says, not too long left now! I can remember my first count at 17 weeks - doesn't feel that long! This summer has flown by.

This time in 3 weeks I will be up in the air somewhere! It's such a surreal feeling. People keep saying how excited I must be, I am, but I don't like to solely talk about it - I feel like I'm rubbing it in people's faces in a way and I don't want conversation to revolve around me and Australia - as much as I am really looking forward to it, I still want to talk about other things! I also think it's partly due to the fact I will miss Wales. My family and friends are here. It's so close now and I keep being reminded I won't be home for Christmas, part of me feels sad because it'll be the first Christmas in 23 (I also celebrate my 23rd birthday in Australia!) years I won't be with my parents. It'll also be their first Christmas without my sister and I (well, since we were born anyway!) as she's spending it with her partner's family this year!

It's also very surreal as I have waited for so long to go. I never thought I'd really organise and do it. I just hope I don't hate it and come home! You just don't know when you've never been somewhere and especially for such a long time. I can't wait to go scuba diving though, it's probably the only thing I'm really most excited about at the moment - I haven't been this summer and I miss it an awful lot!

I have to admit I'm glad I'm not flying with Qantas this month! They were in my top 5 choices but after what's just happened to one of the engines on the A380, I would be absolutely terrified now! Doesn't stop my usual worries of a potential plane crash but fingers crossed nothing goes wrong with Etihad - knowing my luck!

I am enjoying the Christmas songs at work, I don't care if people think it's too early! I love the lead up to Christmas - winter weather (though I am lacking lovely new winter clothes, very hard to resist buying them!), decorations, that Christmassy smell, music, food... everything! Luckily the Christmas market in Conwy/Llandudno is on from the 18th - 21st November so I can see that one and I go to Manchester that weekend, which also starts on the 18th so I can see that too! I love the Manchester market, the strawberry and lime 'kebab' soaked in chocolate - yummy! So next Sunday is my last weekend at work - only a few shifts left now. I have Saturday off so that gives me all day to prepare my goodbyes to friends - all of which I will hopefully still see in the weeks before my departure, but it's hard getting everyone together at once so it's gotta be done.

I think that's enough rambling for now! My next update will probably be just before I go, eeek! X